Support ElderDog Programs

As a 100% volunteer-run organization, ElderDog Canada relies on donations to support our work. Thank you for choosing ElderDog as a way to give back to your community. Please include your mailing address (required by CRA) and we will gladly issue an income tax receipt for donations of $20.00 or more.

Ways to Donate:

Online: Use the form on this page to donate.

E-transfer: Electronic transfers can be made to

Cheque: We are happy to receive mail at: ElderDog Canada National Office, 907 Feltzen South Rd., Rose Bay, NS, B0J 2X0

Phone: Donations via credit card can be made by calling 1-855-336-4226.

Donations in Memory: Remembering a beloved companion or honouring a special relationship through a donation to ElderDog Canada is a lovely gesture of commemoration. Please indicate who you are remembering with your donation. Short messages of condolence also are welcome. A notification of donation in memory and card of condolence will be sent to the family and a short tribute posted on our Donations in Memory page.

Butterfly Release: Each year on the third Saturday in August, Friends of ElderDog holds a memorial service and butterfly release to honour dogs who have passed away. To purchase a butterfly to release, visit our online store. Please include your contact information and the name(s) of dog(s) being remembered.

Special events donations: Turn your next special occasion or get-together into an ElderDog fundraiser!

  • Guests can bring a donation to ElderDog Canada
  • Pass a hat (or dog bowl) during the event to collect contributions.
  • Contact us to let us know how we can help to plan your ElderDog “Pawdy!”

Butterfly Release

Purchase a Butterfly Package

Donate Your Car! Donate A Car Canada accepts vehicle donations for ElderDog. Free towing is provided in most areas across Canada or you can drop off your vehicle to maximize your donation. When you donate a car, truck, RV, boat, or motorcycle to ElderDog Canada it can be recycled or sold at auction (depending on its condition, age and location). Donate a Car Canada takes care of all the details. After your vehicle donation is complete, our charity will send you a tax receipt and will put your gift to good use. Donate a vehicle today!